Peer support

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peer support for tuberculosis patients

Depending on your needs, you have the possibility to speak on the phone or exchange messages with peer supporter. The service is available in Finnish or English at an agreed time. The peer supporter has undergone peer support training. They are reliable volunteers bound by a duty of confidentiality. They will have time to listen and discuss day to day things with you.

Peer support is a free service that works alongside public healthcare services. The service is for tuberculosis patients and their relatives.

You can chat in the TOIVO application also. The TOIVO application is a new, modern, and easy channel to use. Download the TOIVO application from Google Play or App Store. Find a Finnish word vertaistukijat and the name Tadeja. She offers peer support for tuberculosis patients in English.

For more information, contact Marianne Helander, tel. 044 771 7712,

Peer supporters have undergone OLKA’s Toivo- training.